Daily Bread

Apr 4, 2022    Rachael Thomas

Matthew 4:4 NLT But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

We go throughout the day motivated by various needs. When we’re thirsty we drink. When we’re hot we turn on the AC. When we struggle to stay awake we reach for a cup of coffee or tea and of course when we’re hungry, we eat! But how many times do we stop to think about our greatest need? The thing our souls crave more than anything. God’s very word. We can go without many things for a long time and get by, but we cannot thrive without taking in God’s truth. It is the very source of life we need to live each day. It is our daily bread.

When you wake up in the morning, before your feet even hit the floor, ask God to give you a hunger to know Him more and a desire to spend time in His word.

Lord, I want to look to You before I turn to anything else in the day to meet my needs. Remind me that You’re what my heart craves most and in You are the words of life, light and peace!

Devo by Rachael Thomas
Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash