Imagine: Wholeness
Imagine. You are stepping into a warm pool of water. It’s clean, safe, and soothing. As you venture into this therapeutic pool, the weight of your life begins to lighten. You are now floating in the water, perfectly weightless. This is not just any water. It’s Living Water, full of the qualities of Jesus Himself. As you breathe in and out, you begin to feel things detaching from you; negative emotions you’ve been holding onto begin to slip away. The stress, the rush, the striving, the feeling like you’re not good enough…there it goes. It’s floating further and further away. Everything negative that has weighed you down is being cleansed, it’s coming off or your soul and body: disappointment, hopelessness, discouragement, sickness, bitterness, un-forgiveness, anger, inadequacy, loneliness, addictions, and even question marks. These entities are becoming like bubbles, drifting away from you.
This water you are in is so alive that you can literally breathe it in. So go ahead. Let your head sink beneath the surface. As this Living Water surrounds you, it pours peace into all of your cells. Your cells rejoice and give thanks because they feel so loved. Being filled by the very Spirit of God, they are being restored, strengthened, cleansed, energized, and made whole. Even cancer cells, potential and real, are being changed into healthy, Kingdom cells. Every tumor in your body is dissolving, getting smaller and smaller. Systems are being completely reset. Digestive tracts, new immune systems, working in perfect Kingdom order, the way God intended and purposed.
You are now completely immersed - every tissue, every cell, every emotion, and every subconscious thought is responding to the healing virtue of Jesus in this pool. Receive the healing water as you release everything that has weighed you down. Every organ is floating freely. Every system is communicating clearly with the other systems of your body. Your brain is experiencing deep rest, compassion, and love. It is making new highways, new paths, and new patterns that are full of health, life, and gratitude. The landscape of your mind is literally changing. It’s being moved and shifted by the Living Water. Places that have been too low or depleted, are being lifted. Areas that are too much, are lowering, giving you access to healing for issues that have been previously impossible to heal.
For in this Living Water, all things are possible. Perfect Love is casting out fear, anxiety, panic, and insomnia. You are experiencing the Prince of Peace, and Jehovah Rapha - the Lord your Healer.
As you look up to the surface of the water, you can’t help but see the beautiful night sky, radiating with the glory of God. A thousand stars look at you and wonder what your name is. They know you bear the image of God, and they take pleasure shining brightly on you, for the display of God’s splendor.
For the One who made each star, also made you. The Healer put you in His hands and crafted you together, fearfully and wonderfully in the secret place of the womb. He was there when you were not yet. So allow the Healer to go to the very root of your pain in order to free you, heal you, and make you whole. Enjoy the space; the weightlessness. This is what healing feels like. The warmth of your Savior surrounds you like healing water on every wound you’ve ever had.
As you rest and receive, Living Water is washing away trauma and disease. Allow Him to bring you into complete wholeness and freedom: body, soul, and spirit. Feel the Living Water. Breathe Him in. And just imagine.
Scriptures this narration is based on:
Psalm 23:2-3, Psalm 19:1 & 14, 1 John 4:18, Psalm 42:5, Psalm 136:1, Psalm 139:13-16, Psalm 147:4, John 7:38, John 4:13-14, Is. 53:3-5, Matt. 11:28, Phil. 4:8, Luke 1:37, Phil. 4:6-7
Narration by Rachel Barrentine.
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