A Prayer for Empowerment (Without Narration)
Papa God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit:
You are the Source of perfect power and love.
I find my courage, sustenance, and resilience in You.
In You I live and move and have my being.
As I abide in You, I can do all things.
You are my Pillar of Fire by night,
and my Covering and Cloud by day;
Unfailing, unwavering, and unmatched in energy and authority.
There is no weakness You cannot revive.
There is no wall You cannot remove.
There is no wound You cannot repair.
You are able and willing;
You long for Your Kingdom to come
here on the earth.
You're the God of a thousand generations,
And the God of a single moment;
The One holding all things together,
And the God of every living cell.
I praise You today Jesus, my Unhindered Hope,
For the might of Your righteous right hand.
I thank You for being worthy of my trust.
Steady and sure, Your strength is good and complete, just like You.