Healthy Temples
I Cor 6:19 NIV Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
I know, I’m dreading even writing this one but here we go! Why is it so hard to
take care of ourselves? Whether it’s working out, eating right or just taking time
for ourselves to rest or decompress, we struggle to “just do it.” We either feel
guilty for taking the time, think we don’t have the time, or simply don’t want to
take the time. But a sense of responsibility rises when we see this scripture. God
wants to do a work in us, and keeping ourselves healthy makes it easier for Him
to work through us. It’s something to be mindful of, not consumed by. So, be
encouraged that small, simple things make a big difference.
Start small. Do one thing today that honors your body, as His temple. Take a 10
minute walk outside. Don’t eat that extra donut. Take a moment tonight and
watch the sun go down!
Holy Spirit, help me to build simple things into my life that please You and that
equip me for the work You want to do through me. In Jesus name. Amen.
Devo by Leah Paschall
Photo by Ross Sokolovski on Unsplash