
Mar 30, 2022    Glenn Green

Eph. 3:20 NIV Now [give glory] to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us…

How many times have you reached the end of yourself? Let’s face it… we have limits. Our mind, body, emotions, spirit can only take so much before breaking under pressure. Isn’t it comforting to know we have a God who does not reach the end of Himself? In his letter to the Ephesians Paul reminds us, because God is immeasurably able we too are able to do extraordinary things through His power at work in us. In other words, His “able” Spirit is empowering us to be “Teach-able”, “Adapt-able”, “Change-able”, ”Charit-able”, “Hospit-able”, “Lov-able”, “Unshak-able”...

So, the next time you find yourself dangling at the end of your rope, pray believing there is nothing beyond God’s doing, surpassing His understanding, outside of His forgiveness, past His ability to redeem... His very nature is limitless.

God desires to be the “-able” in all we are and all we do. Every day we must choose to embrace His “-able” power at work in us in order to live full, “st-able” lives. Using a dry-erase marker, write the word “ABLE” on your bathroom mirror as a daily reminder of who you are because of who God is.

Abba Father, renew my belief that You can make what seems impossible possible beyond my wildest imagination according to Your perfect will. Show me that I am “Cap-able” because You are “ABLE.”

Devo by Glenn Green
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash