God Remembers the Righteous
Genesis 8:1a NASB But God remembered Noah and all the animals and all the livestock that were with him in the ark;
The words “But God remembered” struck me as I read this verse. Noah was the only righteous man left if you go back and read the story (Gen. 7-8). The Holy Spirit quickened me to realize this Kingdom principle: God looks for, and remembers, the righteous! Our attitude and behavior matter to God. Though He loves us regardless, He is delighted when we choose to walk in His ways. When we walk and work with God, we become like a magnet attracting God’s heart. God doesn’t demand obedience. But our obedience proclaims our deep trust in God’s character and heart. And God loves it when we trust Him to the core!
Take a moment to delight in God this morning. Thank Him for the little things and the big things in your life. Ask Him to purify your heart and to give you a hunger for righteousness.
Papa God, I know Your eyes are on the righteous, and You have clothed me in Jesus’ very own righteousness. So now, increase my desire for righteousness and holiness. Purify my heart, thoughts, mindset, and attitudes. May my heart be magnetic to You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Devo by Rachel Barrentine
Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash