Healing from Sin

Apr 13, 2022    Leah Paschall

Proverbs 8:36 NASB But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death.

We sin in order to get something that appears to satisfy a need or desire we have. The enemy cleverly disguises sin in this way, making it look like something that will benefit us. But the irony is that when we sin, we are not only sinning against God, we are hurting ourselves. The fueled undercurrent of anger that drives us deeper into depression. The substance abuse that furthers our dependence and weakens our bodies. The selfish ambition that inevitably leads to emptiness. We are made in the image of God who is holy and perfect. In body, soul and spirit, we were not created to be able to tolerate sin or bear the weight of it. Praise be to God for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

The enemy is a liar. Ask God to reveal to you any sin in your life that you may not even recognize as sin. Think about how it has caused you harm and ask God to heal you (Psalm 41:4).

Father, thank You for forgiving me of all my sin through Your Son, Jesus. I know that I will never be separated from You or Your love for me. Heal the brokenness that has come from my own sin, Lord, and lead me in Your everlasting way!

Devo by Leah Paschall
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash