Have You Ever Noticed?
Psalm 19:1 NASB The heavens tell of the glory of God; And their expanse declares the work of His hands.
Have you ever played the “Have you ever noticed?” game with God? It’s like a divine treasure hunt. The world is full of the wonders of God. All of creation points to the Creator in some way. Trees stretch toward the heavens. Meadows sway in the wind like a gospel church choir. Bunnies bounce along the ground in search of clover to eat. Squirrels zip up trees and run right out on a limb without even thinking about it. They’re fearless, with a zippy energy that points me to God. These may seem like trivial things, but when we start having conversations with God about them, He reveals amazing truths. God’s handiwork is impressive. He puts His divine stamp on just about everything He creates. And when you ask Him about it, He will give you the behind-the-scenes tour.
Observe, listen, and look for the ways creation reveals its Creator. Play the “Have you ever noticed?” game. Watch the animals, smell the woods, listen to the sound of rain and thunder. Get some child-like wonder back into your conversations with God. It will surely wake up your spirit!
Holy Spirit, wake me up to Your wonders. Help me to see with child-like innocence and curiosity. Alert my senses to Your glory displayed in creation. Amen.
Devo by Rachel Barrentine
Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash