Shame Off You

Rachel Barrentine

• Is. 50:7

• Psalm 25:2, 31:1 • Is. 53:3-5

• Rom. 8:1

• Eph. 1:7-8

Take a few minutes to journal through any places of shame. Be honest with Papa God. Let the Lord walk you through those rooms, memories, or experiences...not so that you dwell on them. Please don’t dwell in a room of shame!! BUT, go in briefly SO THAT Jesus can heal you from them. Let Holy Spirit awaken you to His grace and provision for your places of shame. Ask Him how He feels about your places of shame. What is He telling you? What do you discover as you read His Word and listen for His voice?

Q: If shame were baggage...what bags is Papa God asking you to drop at the door?

Q: Did you have any "aha" moments during your journal time?

Shame was taken care of and answered for at the cross. Since Jesus absorbed it all into His body, there’s none left for you. Shame has no power to undo the cross. Your right-standing is in Christ, and it is permanent and final.

Jesus, thank You for absorbing all of my shame, pain, and sin into Your body on the cross. Thank You for nailing it there. I hear Your words over me “Shame off you child.” I receive that. When the enemy taunts me with lies of shame, put a sword in my mouth to speak out Your truth, cutting off lies at the root. Align my words and my heart with Yours in Jesus name. Amen.