Imagineering with God
Hebrews 11:1 (The Voice) Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen.
At Disney they nickname their designers and creators Imagineers. Every movie, character, or ride that Disney creates requires imagination. Why? Because they are creating something that doesn’t exist yet. But why do we leave all the best creative thoughts to unbelievers? The church, Jesus-followers, are called to co-create with God. When we co-create with Holy Spirit, we partner with His creative ideas and release restoration on the earth. Creating with God activates our faith because faith sees in the spirit what hasn’t happened yet in the natural. Faith pulls that heavenly perspective down to earth. Faith is imagineering with God. We must turn our imaginations over to the Living God, and ask Him what He sees, hears, feels, thinks, and desires.
What part of the restoration process does God want to implement through you? Take a few minutes to imagine with God. What is He saying? What is He revealing or showing you? Do any words, pictures, or ideas come to mind? Capture them on paper.
Papa God, in the beginning You created. I want to bear Your image by creating with You now. Wake me up to Your inspired ideas. Fill my mind and heart with awe and wonder. Show me how to imagineer with You. Guide my thoughts as I surrender my imagination to You.
Devo by Rachel Barrentine
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash